Prof. Ehi Eric Esoimeme

Professor of Business Law and Ethics.

Prof. Ehi Eric Esoimeme Esq., LLB, BL, LLM, JD, HC, Ph.D., DProfQAHE, ICA, CAMC, CCO, CPRM, CRA, CFIP, FGAFM, FCACC, FERP, FIMC, HON. FQAHE has a wealth of experience in Commercial Law and Public Law from Rudolph Kwanue University (Liberia), DSC Publications (Deji Sasegbon and Co) (Nigeria) and the Global Academy of Finance and Management (United States) as a researcher, consultant, lecturer, trainer and Professor in law and criminal justice.

He received a bachelor’s degree in law from the University of Lagos and a master’s degree in International Commercial Law from Cardiff University. Prof. Esoimeme holds the U.S. equivalent of a Juris Doctor in International Law and two PhD Degrees in International Public Law. He was admitted to the Nigerian Bar as a Barrister and Solicitor of the Supreme Court of Nigeria in 2010.

Prof. Esoimeme has authored more than 50 publications, including ten books on commercial law and financial crime compliance. His research on public law has been featured on Harvard Law School’s bibliography on corruption and anti-corruption. In 2022, Prof. Esoimeme’s Research Items on Financial Crime Compliance reached a new milestone of 30,000 reads on ResearchGate.

Prof. Ehi Esoimeme is a member of the Institut Universitaire du Bénin (IUB) University, Board of Trusteeship, fellow of the International Institute of Certified Forensic Investigation Professionals Inc., USA., a fellow of the Global Academy of Finance and Management, a Lifetime Honorary fellow of the International Association for Quality Assurance in Pre-tertiary and Higher Education, a fellow of the Association of Enterprise Risk Management Professionals, a fellow of the Institute of Management Consultants, and a member of the Nigerian Bar Association.